Analytics – Big Data Science

Most analytics focuses and delivers on the ‘What’ – our analytics solutions focuses on the “Why”, and has the ability to explain the why. We understand and explain the motivation of behaviour, not just the behaviour by utilizing robust and modernised data modelling and techniques.

Data Modelling and Algorithms

We have data scientists experienced in using R, Eviews, SQL, Power BI, Frontpage to analyse big data sets of your customers, build statistical/predictive machine learning models and design and develop decision support rules and algorithms to support your business needs in today digital world.

A Dynamic Big Data Prediction Model of E-Commerce Customer Purchasing Behaviour

In the era of big data, based on the data from the dynamic purchasing behaviour of e-commerce customers, our solution uses Clicking, Shopping Cart and Favourite volume as the main key variables to conduct real-time  purchasing intention regressive analysis for predicting next customer purchasing time of different customer clusters during their different purchasing cycles, so that e-commerce enterprises can timely and appropriately push their product marketing information to right customer clusters with coming greatest purchasing potential. For e-commerce providers, this instant method of predicting the time of next purchase is innovative, fast and effective. This solution can construct a series of models for predicting the purchasing time of different stages of purchasing cycle for different e-commerce customers and customer clusters.